


  1. 不管了,卡就卡吧。(手动滑稽)
  2. 看看是电脑在卡还是浏览器在卡。
  3. 看Chrome里面的任务管理器,确认有没有页面或者扩展在挖矿。
  4. 最近Chrome在DevTools加了Performance Monitor,这里可以看到究竟是什么卡了,JS还是浏览器。
  5. 当然很多同学遇到的卡,不是整个Chrome都卡,这时候你需要看看是什么卡,比如是鼠标移动卡,滚动卡还是什么别的。
  6. 当我知道是滚动卡,再来多一些信息,比如滚动是来自滚动条的,鼠标滚轮的,触摸板的还是触摸屏的。
  7. 再看看是开所有URL都卡,还是只有某个URL卡。如果所有URL都卡,甚至连Google搜索页都卡,一般而言都不会是我们的锅。
  8. 如果是某个URL卡,看看是在这个网页所有地方滚动都卡还是在某个地方滚动才卡。





打开chrome://tracing,点record,点Edit categories,在Record Categories下面选All,然后点右下角Record。 切换到你的页面,重复你会卡的操作若干次。再点回来tracing这个tab,按stop,点save。 这样就会生成一个Chromium Tracing的report,这个也提交或者发给我。我就可以进去看到是什么东西有问题了。



除了可以给我看看Chromium Tracing,你还可以去看看DevTools - Render里面的工具,可以高亮滚动慢的元素,高亮重绘的元素,显示FPS,可高端了。 这里放一下Chrome不能优化滚动的理由

// Non-transient scrolling reasons.
kNotScrollingOnMain = 0,
kHasBackgroundAttachmentFixedObjects = 1 << 0,
kHasNonLayerViewportConstrainedObjects = 1 << 1,
kThreadedScrollingDisabled = 1 << 2,
kScrollbarScrolling = 1 << 3,
kPageOverlay = 1 << 4,

// This bit is set when any of the other main thread scrolling reasons cause
// an input event to be handled on the main thread, and the main thread
// blink::ScrollAnimator is in the middle of running a scroll offset
// animation. Note that a scroll handled by the main thread can result in an
// animation running on the main thread or on the compositor thread.
kHandlingScrollFromMainThread = 1 << 13,
kCustomScrollbarScrolling = 1 << 15,

// Style-related scrolling on main reasons.
// These *AndLCDText reasons are due to subpixel text rendering which can
// only be applied by blending glyphs with the background at a specific
// screen position; transparency and transforms break this.
kNonCompositedReasonsFirst = 16,
kHasOpacityAndLCDText = 1 << 16,
kHasTransformAndLCDText = 1 << 17,
kBackgroundNotOpaqueInRectAndLCDText = 1 << 18,
kHasBorderRadius = 1 << 19,
kHasClipRelatedProperty = 1 << 20,
kHasBoxShadowFromNonRootLayer = 1 << 21,
kIsNotStackingContextAndLCDText = 1 << 22,
kNonCompositedReasonsLast = 22,

// Transient scrolling reasons. These are computed for each scroll begin.
kNonFastScrollableRegion = 1 << 5,
kFailedHitTest = 1 << 7,
kNoScrollingLayer = 1 << 8,
kNotScrollable = 1 << 9,
kContinuingMainThreadScroll = 1 << 10,
kNonInvertibleTransform = 1 << 11,
kPageBasedScrolling = 1 << 12,

// The maximum number of flags in this struct (excluding itself).
// New flags should increment this number but it should never be decremented
// because the values are used in UMA histograms. It should also be noted
// that it excludes the kNotScrollingOnMain value.
kMainThreadScrollingReasonCount = 23,


  1. 你没有给ScrollableArea一个纯色的背景,无背景或者图片背景都会被认为滚动可能导致重绘而放弃优化
  2. 监听wheel,并且在里面进行大量重绘


好了,我知道的基本都说了,希望大家以后找我的时候能够更好的表达自己的问题吧。 关于如何报bug的,你可以参考我前一篇文章,如何给Chrome报bug